Arts & Culture
We figured we’d help out and give the ultimate gift guide in case you find yourself asking “what should I get my Jewish friend for Christmas???”
Ira takes Brooklyn, and delivers a live show. We also give you the first “Very Ira” Christmas card.
Tim Monaghan, the drummer of JDub Records bands Golem and Girls In Trouble, had a terrible accident a week ago and is in intensive care for trauma to his skull and brain.
A review of the Coen brothers remake of the John Wayne classic.
Know this: if you are one of the few freaks of nature blessed with perfect…
“The Icarus Syndrome” author talks to Jewcy about the Zionist movement in the United States, and whether Eric Clapton has the power to forge peace on the Korean peninsula.
This week’s episode, Scenes from a Mall, is old news and perhaps definable as a classic. Bambi is also inspired to write a poem.
Even though he looks nothing like the real life Jonathan Ames who created the show, there is hardly anybody out there to play a neurotic Jewish private dick/writer better than Jason Schwartzman.