Gathering of the Ashkenaz

After all the fun had at the Gathering of the Juggalos (Tila Tequila getting rocks…

Six Degrees of Julie Klausner Makes This Ted Leo Post Kosher

If you’re ever in New York, and you happen to stop by Jewcy HQ, there…

Exclusive: Irving Field Rips Into “Hava Nagila”

I have a few regrets from my Bar Mitzvah. We had a guy named "DJ…

Adolf Hitler: Black Jew?

Adolf Hitler is likely to have been descended from both Jews and Africans, according to…

Jews Watching Mad Men: Sally Goes Portnoy

  When kids misbehave they get scolded by their parents, when adults misbehave, they do…

The Four Questions: Michael Ian Black

Before the day technically started (Pre-waking up, shower, coffee) I liked Michael Ian Black.  After…

Michael Ian Black Does Not Like It When You Compare Obama To Hitler

Remember that skit on The State where each member is supposed to tell us something…

Jewish Guy Makes Rap Video with Lil’ Wayne

Have we ever mentioned how happy we are that Drake’s a Jew?  It gives us…