Monday Jewce: Chabad’s Main Man, Tony Judt Remembered, Shukert Talks Butts, David Cross and More

Tony Judt (above) remembered at Tablet.  Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky talks about baseball, Bob Dylan, and…

The Friday Jewce: Helping Marissa Nadler, Jami Attenberg: Superhero, Pop Jew’s Mixtape, and More

Help Marissa Nadler (above) finance her new album, buy some artwork.  Parents who gave their…

The Weekly Yiderati: The Brett Favre Musical, Bookworm, Rachel Shukert’s Jams and More

Ben Greenman gives us "Brett Favre! The Musical" Michael Rosenblatt of Bookworm: the man, the…

Jewcy Interviews: Cleric

Any attempt to genre-ize Cleric would be futile.  Please note: it’s not Philadelphia’s Cleric, and…

The Ira Glass Infatuation Post/This American Life Roundup: “Georgia Rambler”

Georgia, what a lovely hotbed of phenomenal tunage, distinctive cuisines, and small-town personalities. One of…

Arts & Crafts Video Makes Jewcy Dream a Bit Bigger

We’ve been trying to figure out how to drum up some dollars around here to…

The Shame of a Silver Jew

Anybody who has seen the fantastic documentary on David Berman’s journey (and spirtual awakening) to…

I Forgive the Germans: A Jew’s Primer to Krautrock and Beyond

I’m sure you could surf the internet and find several books, papers, essays, etc. on…