
Going To Your First Bris?

So you’ve been invited to a bris. Mazel tov! Here’s what to expect at a ritual circumcision.

Explaining My Brother’s Big Jewish Communion

If your Jewish brother invites you to his child’s communion, how do you explain it to your kids?

Getting The Snip At 33

A man talks about his kids, the similarities between Jews and Roman Catholics, and of course the big snip.

Jewish Mothers Cooking: Mama Goldberg’s Cholent

Our fashion editor talks to her mom about her world famous cholent.

Mayim Bialik’s Guide To Child Acting

Mayim Bialik has some advice for aspiring child stars.

I Lived On a Kibbutz With My In-Laws

A girl from LA finds herself living dangerously close to her in-laws in Israel.

Irish Name, Jewish Person

Meet Tara Dublin. She’s Jewish, not Irish. Yes she’s quite aware that her name sounds like a character from “Darby O’Gill and the Little People.”

The Jewish Influence On “Where The Wild Things Are

Maurice Sendak’s inspiration for the names of his monsters in his book Where The Wild Things Are might surprise you.