Religion & Beliefs

Viva La Secular Yeshiva!

On Friday night a friend of mine brought over an article from the Jerusalem Post…

Cashing In On Zayde’s Stories

The Legacy Project is an organization devoted to creating bonds between the generations. They have…

Having An Identity Crisis? There’s Some Cash With Your Name On It

Natan is an organization for young philanthropic Jews who want to distribute cash to small…

Work On the Sabbath—Or Else!

Over at the religion blog for the Times of London, Ruth Gledhill has a fascinating…

No Tears for Jerry

So as we all know, Jerry Falwell (founder of the so-called Moral Majority)  is dead, and…

Jewish Politics Beyond Israel

A few weeks ago, I took my son to play at the park, with my new…

If You Haven’t Read Jabes

Before I go, I want to point you to a Jewish poet I love, Edmond…

Two Is Better Than One—Start Your Own Chevruta

I’m going to be in New York this summer, and part of the reason I’m…