A parade attendee (and performer) for eight consecutive years wonders why anyone bothers to show up to the annual exhibition of dancing schoolchildren
A rabbinical student suggests that instead of judging his religiosity, Israel’s government should focus on infrastructure, education, and social services
A Jewish journalist travels to the rural region that sparked reform in Tunisia, and everyone he interviews asks him if he is a Zionist
One rabbinical student’s story of being detained by police this week for wearing a tallit while praying at the Western Wall
An article written by an Orthodox Jewish woman defending her lifestyle sparks comments more illuminating than the article itself
Orthodox rapper talks to Jewcy about his decision to come out publicly, the surprising reactions to his announcement, and his plans for the future
What happens when a blonde-haired, green-eyed tattoo enthusiast inadvertently becomes your guide to Jewish culture
Jeff Lieberman’s new film, ‘Re-Emerging: The Jews of Nigeria,’ sheds light on a Jewish community that many Jews are unaware of