Religion & Beliefs

Why Be Jewish: Engaging the Sacred Pt. 4

We entered fairly seamlessly into a discussion about the sacred without reference to what in…

Why Be Jewish: Engaging the Sacred Pt. 3

One possible answer to the question "Why be Jewish?", the title of a yearly conference…

Why Be Jewish: Engaging the Sacred Pt. 2

In the 12 years that I have been connected in some form or another to…

Why Be Jewish: Engaging the Sacred

Over the next few days, Jewcy will be welcoming some distriguished guests to blog about…

Is There a Bracha for When You see a Hasid With a Harmonica?

Because 2 minutes into the "I’m a Jew" video, you see one.

Playing Hard to Get with Religion: Feigning Disgust with the National Day of Prayer

Today is the first Thursday in May, which means it’s the National Day of Prayer. …

Op-Ed: Innovation Is Not A Synonym For ‘New’

This essay was cross posted with our friends at The Jewish Week. In late 2002,…

Rabbi Shmuley Tells Pope Shabbat Dinners Will Stop Priests From Diddling

Rabbi Shmuealy went to Rome to tell the pope that the best way to stop…