Gabriela Geselowitz

Gabriela Geselowitz is the former editor of, and a nerd-about-town.

307 Articles Published | Follow:
Ben Stiller is Cancer Free!

The kid is alright!

Could 2016 Unite the Jewish Left?

The protest of the ZOA brought together an eclectic group.

Ahoy! A Jewish Pirate Movie!

‘The Pirate Captain Toledano’ is a Semitic Swashbuckler

Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford Had a Fling

Fisher has finally revealed the ‘Star Wars’ affair.

Anton Yelchin’s Goodbye Exhibit

The late actor was also a photographer whose work is currently on display.

Leonard Cohen Blessing Us: What We Need Right Now

The music legend passes on at 82.

Daveed Diggs Wants You to Vote

He’s rapping about it, natch.

Andrew Garfield Says Mel Gibson is Fine, Guys

The Jewish actor appears in Gibson’s new film.