Mideastunes.com, the site that brands itself as "music for social change", has tons of great music — from Meat Puppetsesque country punk of Sunny Ali & The Kid to underground Iraqi thrash metal — but it’s lacking one thing: Israeli music. While this could be a total oversight, or laziness on the part of Israeli fans, we feel this should be corrected and we’re asking you, the Jewcy readers, to submit names of your favorite Israeli musicians for a mix that we want to submit to Mideastunes.com for their consideration. I’ve written an e-mail to the website in hopes that they (like us) believe that art can help bring about positive change, and that totally ignoring the output of an entire country isn’t really going to help the cause.
Please submit your choices in the comment section below. Hello Mideast Tunes, I’ve been exploring your site and have found it to be a great resource. There is some really terrific stuff on there. I’m just curious as to why there isn’t any Israeli music on your site? Is it a political choice, or is it just due to the fact that nobody has taken the time to submit any Israeli music? If it’s the latter, Jewcy would be more than happy to help get some Israeli artists that are totally non-political to submit for your consideration. Thanks much,
Jason Diamond