If you’re looking for a fun event for the whole family, Westboro Baptist Church is brining their traveling show of anger and hate to one of the most Jewish sections of Brooklyn, Midwood, next Monday.
While we were somewhat against even making mention of the whole thing, and giving the so-called church anymore press than it’s already gotten, we thought, "hey, we’ve got a lot of readers in Brooklyn, maybe they’ll make it down to counter-protest."
And also we liked what L Magazine’s Jonny Diammond [no relation to Jewcy’s Jason Diamond] said about the whole thing:
"While I do respect America’s absolute position on the freedom of speech, there are times (like these) when I wish a big scary squad of helmeted stormtroopers would just come in and crack the idiots’ skulls. Failing that, I encourage everyone to get down to Midwood on Monday to join the counterprotest, which, with Westboro, will always be bigger than the original."
Amen, Mr. Diamond.