She looks like your mom and is possibly one of the best interviewers in the business, but apparently Terry Gross is a little too risque for Mississippi Public Radio. According to a statement issued by director Dr. Judith Lewis:
"Too often Fresh Air’s interviews include gratuitous discussions on issues of an explicit sexual nature. We believe that most of these discussions do not contribute to or meaningfully enhance serious-minded public discourse on sexual issues. Our listeners who wish to hear Fresh Air may find it online."
Really? Terry Gross? How does Terry Gross get herself banned in Mississippi? Oh, a Louis CK interview, that’s what got her banned:
Louis CK: But if I’m with a woman and she wants to be with me, she must like me. I definitely have sex with my T-shirt on, always. I haven’t had sex without a shirt on, God, since I was about 23. Terry Gross: Is that true? Louis CK: Yeah, I just don’t think that’s fair. I mean, you know, let her think she’s with somebody decent, you know? … I do have sex sometimes on the show, and there’s a rule that I have to be on my back. Terry Gross: Why, because your stomach flattens? Louis C.K.: Well, no, God, no. I’m not laying back in that bed thinking, "I look awesome right now." It’s because I think I should always be the victim of the sex. I don’t think anyone wants to see me looming over her. I think that’s an upsetting image. And then also, the mother-dog stomach that I get when I’m … you get the point.
Let this be a lesson to all you in public broadcasting: if you want to stay on the air in Mississippi, don’t let Louis CK on your show. He might talk about sex.