Ali Eteraz

Ali Eteraz, 28, is a contributor to Jewcy, where his focus has been on Islam and the Muslim world. He is working on a book entitled Children of Dust (forthcoming 2009). The late philosopher, Richard Rorty, called his writings "impressive."

He lives in Las Vegas, the East Coast and various unnamed locations.

63 Articles Published | Follow:
Jewcy Review: Descent into Chaos By Ahmed Rashid

More than a year before 9/11, veteran journalist and author, Ah More than a year…

Bahrain Appoints Jewish Ambassador, Plans to Offer Full Citizenship Rights to Jewish Returnees

The Arab world has its first Jewish Envoy. It's a woman no less. Thank the…

Guess Which Candidate Is Toughest on Media Monopolies?

The Bush administration has been a failure in applying and enforcing antitrust laws. As Albert…

Muslims And The Evangelical Manifesto

Recently, a group of Evangelical Christian leaders let loose an Evangelical Manifesto upon the world…

Exposing The Pakistani Military

You cannot understand Pakistan without understanding its military. It is involved — and profits —…

The Linguistic Front Of The War On Terror

In the global discussion about Islam, words matter. The US government apparently agrees, and has…

Among The Hillary Haters In Philadelphia

I had a meeting this morning and I was running late. I realized I had…

On Geert Wilders And Other Threats To Liberal Society

Prior to Geert Wilders' release of the film, Fitna, Reason Magazine's Michael Moynihan wrote a…