Isabelle Viegas

Isabelle Viegas recently graduated from the school of hard knocks. She considers herself a cook, a writer, and a hostess. She loves Mexican, Spanish, and spicy food--bring on the chilies, wasabi, and curries, please. She enjoys drinking her whiskey straight and can be found after-hours at a dive bar talking to cooks about food and future conquests. She currently resides in Brooklyn.

6 Articles Published | Follow:
Hostess Confidential: The Health Inspector is Back

Previously: The Health Inspector Is Here The general manager walks slowly towards the health-inspector. “Hi,…

Hostess Confidential: The Health Inspector Is Here

I run into the kitchen, searching for Chef. I see boiling pots, smoking grills, and…

Hostess Confidential: Why I Love Old Jewish Men

Restaurant Week is war. We stockpile our kitchens. We deploy troops of food runners, busboys,…

Hostess Confidential: Never Drink With Bartenders

  Hostess Confidential is Jewcy's ongoing column about the dirty secrets of a swanky Manhattan…

Hostess Confidential: Antisemitism at Four O’Clock

If you caught the first installment of Hostess Confidential, you'll remember that I work at…

Hostess Confidential

I'm a hostess at a well known restaurant in Manhattan's Union Square. It's a fast-paced…