We’ve got a track by Black Sea Station with Geddy Lee of Rush rocking out. (Note: by “rocking out” we mean “Speaking Yiddish.”)
Philip Roth is so close to being the Michael Jordan of writers that it isn’t even funny at this point.
So if Harold Camping is right, this weekend the rapture is coming. We’ve got a few tips to making the most out of being left behind.
Everything you wanted to say about every Woody Allen film but were afraid to rank.
The NYT tells us that if you’re a Reform Jew, you are in good financial company. If you’re Orthodox, you don’t exist.
Jewish/Asian relations might be at an awkward all-time high because of this video.
Do we establish an appreciation for our cultural heritage and pick a traditional Jewish song that might not have any meaning to us, or do we pour over our MP3 collections looking for the perfect Otis Redding tune?
The Hasidic newspaper Der Tzeitung apologized for their decision to crop Secretary of State Hillary Clinton out of the now famous White House photograp