Jason Diamond

I'm the former editor-in-chief of this hot dog stand

454 Articles Published | Follow:
Hasidic Photoshop Job Was Officially A Hot Internet Topic

This is just an observation, but when I think “immodest,” the last absolute person who comes to mind is the normally pantsuit-clad Madam Secretary of State.

Ben Laden Is Alive And Playing Klezmer

Ben Laden has been found! And he’s Jewish…

Goyim Get Chaim: How Good Is Jewish SEO?

So how are the Jews doing with search engine optimization (SEO)? We take a look.

Jews Love Dystopia

Albert Brooks adds a book to the Jewish bleak situation canon.

Jews And Hockey Players: Brothers In Beards

Beards: they’re mostly for Jews and hockey players again.

Thanks Gabe Carimi: The Chicago Bears Are Officially The Most Jewish Team In Football

When I told you the Chicago Bears were the most Jewish team left in the playoffs a few months back, I didn’t expect them to become the most Jewish team in the entire NFL.

A Nun Named Schmuck

There’s a new Schmuck in Brooklyn. And she’s a nun.

Can We (The Jews) Not Be Associated With Orly Taitz Anymore?

Orly might not stick around on the totem pole of important idiots for much longer, but she’s definitely earned her spot on the “Lamest Jews of the Decade” list.