The mitzvah tanks get a big time video treatment.
Aaron Spelling will live forever. At least in the minds of Beverley Hills, 90210 fans.
She said yes, so now I get to learn how to plan a Jewish wedding. Did you know what a “yichud room” was?
More stuff from the wild and wacky world known as the Jewcy editor inbox. It seems that Adam Sandler is looking for a few lookalikes for his upcoming film where he plays Andy Samberg’s father, “I Hate You Dad.”
When Rob Markoff found a vinyl copy of a Jewish folk rock celebration from 1974, called “Sing Out it’s Shabbos,” he realized that the beautiful sounds he was hearing had not been given the treatment they’d deserved.
Whatever we can do to make sure that Nathanael West’s (born Nathan von Wallenstein Weinstein, pictured above) magnum opus gets the recognition it deserves as one of the quintessential tomes from the City of Angels, let us know and we’ll make it happen.
Chicago might be the most Jewish sports city in America, and their lovable losers are the biggest reason why.
At least based on his performance at the at the Congressional Correspondents’ Dinner, the other night — which, I’ll admit, probably isn’t the best criteria to be Commander in Chief, but it’s a start.