Jason Diamond

I'm the former editor-in-chief of this hot dog stand

454 Articles Published | Follow:
Jewcy’s Top 10 Non-Fiction Books Of 2010

This year’s crop of non-fiction books gave us a chance to really spread out and move from drunken adventures across Europe on justification as to why we didn’t continue our studies in Russian literature on an academic level.

Captain Beefheart’s “Dachau Blues”

Captain Beefheart wasn’t a Jew, but he was the perpetual outsider whose life and work could take a semester of college to understand and appreciate.

The Jewish Week Toots Maccabeats’ Orthodox Horn

Okay we get it: your mom, your rabbi, your cousin who wants to be Rachel…

Neil Diamond Has His Day!

One of the greatest songwriters of the 20th Century finally gets the respect he deserves from the Rock ‘n Roll Hall of Fame.

Saul Bellow, I.J. Singer and Bruno Schulz: Revisited

Three Jewish authors see their works re-released or reassessed in 2010.

Breaking News: There Are Jews In American Cities!

Somewhere, Tina Brown is sitting at a desk, shaking her head and saying “I can’t fucking believe this. I’m simply shocked.”

The Jewish Lumberjack’s Guide To Hanukkah Gifts

In the spirit of the holiday, and in hopes that my various friends and family members actually read this website, I’ve decided to compose a handy gift guide for all the guys who look like they hang out in the forest, but probably live in Brooklyn.

Howard Jacobson And The Last Of The Great Hanukkah Pieces

Now that we’ve added the British perspective, where do we have to go from here? Is there any more good Hanukkah material out there, or has the oil run out?