Jason Diamond

I'm the former editor-in-chief of this hot dog stand

454 Articles Published | Follow:
One Ring Zero: Geek Rock for Cool Kids

I don’t feel saying that One Ring Zero play nerd rock, and I don’t think…

Steve Gordon And The Kosher 5: The First Jewish Hip Hop Album Ever?

I’ve been trolling through record stores, garage sales, flea markets, and Salvation Army stores for…

The Sad Breakdown of Jewish/Muslim Hip-Hop Relations

People don’t normally think of hip-hop when they think “Mideast Peace Talks,” but a lot…

Jennifer Grey: When Jewish Nose Jobs go Wrong

There was a time–roughly around years 8 and 9–when I would have told you that…

Happy Birthday Itzhak Perlman

Today is the 65th birthday of violinist Itzhak Perlman, and on behalf of any other…

Israeli Band Really Wants to be as big as Arcade Fire

But it’s really an issue that they can’t find the proper folks to handle their…

The Opinionated Jewish Man: Black Jews and Stupid Jews

I met Al Green when I was fifteen, and besides the fact that I was…

Jewcy Interviews: Author Adam Langer

In his latest novel, The Thieves of Manhattan, Adam Langer gets to poke fun at…