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Steve Gordon And The Kosher 5: The First Jewish Hip Hop Album Ever?

I’ve been trolling through record stores, garage sales, flea markets, and Salvation Army stores for rare records since I was a little kid, and the excitement I feel when I find a rare record has always stayed the same.

Today, was one of those days when I came across what I’m pretty sure is the first Jewish hip hop album ever (dating back to 1979): Steve Gordon and the Kosher 5, Take My Rap Please.

The novelty Jewish hip hop album is nothing rare (2 Live Jews anybody?), but this album actually has a good dose of cultural significance.  The jokey, Yiddish accented rap at some points resembles David Byrne’s nervous ramble, and the shout out to Sugar Hill Gang is obviously undeniable.

And it’s actually pretty listenable. Authentic?  Who knows.  Who cares?

Download here.

(Thanks to Rob Tannenbaum for the tip)

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