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OMGWTFBIBLE: Oh My God, Still With the Plagues?

Locusts! They’re also kosher.

OMGWTFBIBLE: Plagues, Hardened Hearts, and Fiery Hail Missiles

And yet still more plagues to come.

OMGWTFBIBLE: A Plague On Your House!

In which Moses unleashes all sorts of biological weirdness on the population of Egypt.

OMGWTFBIBLE: Moses Has a Magic Staff

Your favorite bible comedy podcast returns just in time for Sukkot, with guest star Y-Love!

OMGWTFBIBLE: Y-Love on Facebook’s “Real Name” Policy, God’s Omniscience, and Exodus

“The idea of a god of judgement exclusively… that god-view doesn’t fit. It’s incongruous with everything classical scripture says.”

OMGWTFBIBLE Podcast: Holy Cow! A Burning Bush!

In which Moses is called to adventure and it takes for-ev-er.

OMGWTFBIBLE Podcast: In Which a Lot of Drama Goes Down For Our Hero Moses

In a plot-line worthy of “Days of Our Lives,” Moses is adopted by Pharoah’s daughter and nursed by his birth mother. And then he kills someone!