Laurel Snyder

I scribble a lot. I talk too much. I apologize with wild abandon.

261 Articles Published | Follow:
The Temple Mount: Open for Business

Over at Haaretz, a story about how an increasing number of Religious Zionist Rabbis are…

Herod the Jew

According to the HuffPo, an Israeli archaeologist has found the tomb of King Herod.   …

Beltane Hijinks

Because I know how you all love Wicca, I want to point you to this…

Who the Hell Was Lilith?

We've all heard of Lilith, but really… who was she?  My vague memories from a…

Important to Remember: People Die

I just found out that Sol Milgrome died last month, and it's very sad for…

Pretty Little Longhaired Boys

A year and a half ago, I gave birth to a baby boy.  And while…

Cell Phones: Evil, But Not Trayf

Forgive me if I really don't understand this, but what's kosher about a cell phone?…

Who is Wise?

Okay, so if you don't read the blather in our Faithhacker comment boxes, you might…