Michael Weiss

Michael is an editor of Nextbook and a contributing editor of Jewcy. His work has appeared in Slate, Gawker, New York, Democratiya, Reason, The New Criterion, The Weekly Standard, City Journal and Standpoint. His blog is Snarksmith.

1121 Articles Published | Follow:
Norman Mailer’s Greatest Hits, Phillipics, Stabbings, Etc.

New York magazine outdoes itself this week with a potted history of Norman Mailer's Literary…

Histrionics Is A Force That Gives Us Meaning

Are Christian fundamentalists who believe only in the separation of church and heaven worthy of…

Relax, People. It’s Just New Jersey.

Yeah, it's that menacing Newark cell of Al Qaeda:  Authorities were investigating widespread reports today…

Jewcy Outsources: Introducing Meryl Yourish

Continuing our adventures in fobbing off work to better qualified people, we offer you this…

Plus Ca Surge, Plus C’est Le Meme Chose

"Police state" is not a term one wishes to apply to post-Saddam Iraq, and yet…

The Executioner’s Sura

The estimable John Burns gives a comprehensive account of what happened in the days and…

Another Communist Agent: The Archbishop of Warsaw

The history of Catholic opposition to Communism has been greatly exaggerated. "How many divisions has…

Mubarak on “Martyr” Saddam

The "president-for-life," who recently held a Potemkin election in Egypt to show that his title…