Michael Weiss

Michael is an editor of Nextbook and a contributing editor of Jewcy. His work has appeared in Slate, Gawker, New York, Democratiya, Reason, The New Criterion, The Weekly Standard, City Journal and Standpoint. His blog is Snarksmith.

1121 Articles Published | Follow:
I’m Going, That’s All There Is To It

Estonia has made internet access a civil right. It's also one of the progenitors of…

Music Video of the Day: “Party Hard” by Pulp

Look, it's Friday and I'm OD-ing on NyQuil and Robitussin. Also, my Slate column is…

How We Got to a Failed State of Iraq

Focusing on one example to symbolize the stunning failure of the Bush administration's plan for…

I.B. Singer Against God

When Yevgeny Yevtushenko, the Soviet poet who gave the world "Babi Yar" ("There is no…

Palestinian Writer Opposes Israel Boycott

I didn't know until the venerable Harry's Place mentioned it that greying glam rocker-cum-U2 producer…

Ugandan Adult Circumcision

There's a phrase from Auden's "Spain 1937" that I don't think I'll ever read the…

Self-Righteous Vegetarians Rule Jewcy

How does one deal with the problems presented by packing so many helpless creatures into…

Hetero Ass Sex

"Thirtyish academic wishes to meet woman who's interested in Mozart, James Joyce and sodomy." Woody…