
150 Articles Published | Follow:
Diet Riot: Kimkins Diet Scam Goes Down in Flames

Replacing fiber with laxatives. Severely limiting caloric intake. Tricking your body into not feeling hungry.…

Religious Freedom Day? What’s That?

A day devoted to commemorating "the passage of Thomas Jefferson's Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom"…

Words or Turds: Mike Huckabee On Gay Marriage, Fried Squirrels

Welcome to the first installment of Words or Turds, where each week, we'll bring you…

Show Me Your Wits: Michael Showalter

Actor and comedian Michael Showalter is known for his hilarious standup, as well as his…

Will the Green Movement Turn Brown with Recession?

Everyone knows that green is the new black, but what you might not know is…

Light My Fire: How To Celebrate Tu B’Shevat

If you're like me, Tu b'Shevat didn't figure prominently in your upbringing. As a kid,…

Eyes on the Pies: This Week in Food Porn

When it comes to Russia, it's always a matter of extremes: soul-sucking Communism and unrestrained…

Holy Cow: Is Britney Converting to Islam?

Though they often behave like godless heathens, the stars are "just like us," as the…