Tamar Fox

Tamar Fox has an MFA from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, but she still doesn't like sweet tea. Born and raised in Chicago, she's also lived in Iowa City, Dublin, Oxford, and Jerusalem. When she's not rocking out at honky tonks she teaches text study, cooks elaborate meals, and volunteers for a hospice. When she grows up she wants to be a professional whiskey taster.

405 Articles Published | Follow:
Come learn with Yeshivat Hadar!

This summer I’m a fellow at Yeshivat Hadar, which is a full time egalitarian and…

52 Tips for Happiness and Productivity

Over at Zen Habits they’ve got an awesome list of 52 ways to make your…

Everybody Loves Obama

Barack Obama has a website ensuring you that he cares about your religious beliefs. Are…

Porn: Trying To Make It Look Good (And Failing)

I’ve been thinking a lot about pornography recently. In the past, I’ve had a laissez-faire…

Put A Nun In Charge of Your Investments

The Washington Post has a great article about a nun who works to ensure that…

Judaism: It’s Amazing!

This week we're lucky enough to have guest blogger Rabbi Alexander Seinfeld, author of The…

Who’s Hungry? Food for the Soul

You know when you go to a Shabbat dinner and the conversation is awesome, but…

Wanted: Young Hip Imam

There’s a fascinating article in the NY Times today about the need for American Imams…