Barack Obama has a website ensuring you that he cares about your religious beliefs. Are you a Catholic? Evangelical? Hindu? An Orthodox Jew? ‘Bama’s got you covered on the Faith Testimonials page of his site. Everyone’s writing in to say how Obama’s policies jive with their beliefs, and how they’re sure he’ll be the next great President. You can join a group of Jews for Obama. The site also has videos of Obama preaching in a church about his own faith journey, and a blog written by the Obama campaign’s director of religious affairs. I’m kind of amazed that the campaign even has a director of religious affairs, but it’s not a bad idea. It is, in fact, such a not bad idea, that it’s being copied by the other campaigns. Edwards and Clinton have their own versions on the way. I guess it’s natural that people want to make sure that their candidate respects their beliefs, but in this day and age, is there any democratic candidate who could get away with saying anything negative about any religion? I mean, doesn’t all this equal out in the long run? Anyway, connecting spiritually with your candidate of choice is just one click away. Um, yay?
Everybody Loves Obama
by Tamar Fox
June 6, 2007