Tamar Fox

Tamar Fox has an MFA from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, but she still doesn't like sweet tea. Born and raised in Chicago, she's also lived in Iowa City, Dublin, Oxford, and Jerusalem. When she's not rocking out at honky tonks she teaches text study, cooks elaborate meals, and volunteers for a hospice. When she grows up she wants to be a professional whiskey taster.

405 Articles Published | Follow:
He’s Too Smart to Be Religious

There’s this guy that I see at the coffee shops that I frequent, he’s always…

Think of the Children! They Didn’t Ask to be Born!

Remember when you were in high school and you had huge screaming matches with your…

This Is Not A Post About Sex.

This is a post about not having sex. In high school, whenever my Orthodox women…

Where’s the Value in Secularism?

There’s a popular article in today’s London Times called How my eyes were opened to…

I Am Not My (Purple) Hair. Or Am I?

Jewish girls have a tendency to complain about their hair, and rightly so. If you’ve…

Holy *&$^#&! Religious Swearing

On Friday I got a beat down from our friendly Annie Anonymous because I dared…

FaithHacker Recommends: Adding Spirituality to Your Bedside Table

Since Laurel and I are hanging out together at the AWP conference today, I thought…

Lies, Damned Lies, and Things You Tell Your Family

You know that game ‘Two Truths and a Lie’? When I play I always cheat…