This American Life Man-Fatuation Post: Act V

This week, NPR once again brings us the “Act V” episode of This American Life in which prison inmates put on a production of Hamlet.

Terrence Malick, God, Etc.

Terrence Malick’s “Tree of Life” is the most religious film that will come out this year. It will also bore you to tears…

Damn It Feels Good To Be A (Jewish) Gangster

I have a fair amount of Italian friends, and they all share the same opinion on shows like The Sopranos, telling me that the Italian gangster stereotype is bad for their people.

Public Artsky: Call To Artists On Brighton Beach

Artists have traditionally been the stimulus package to cultural booms: from Paris to Prague, and now Little Odessa. ArtOnBrighton is a brilliant initiative looking for proposals for art pieces, installations, video, and other multidisciplinary work that will be displayed at a neighborhood-wide festival September 17-18.

DeLeon Photoshoot: Behind The Scenes

Michelle Christina Larsen, a New York-based fashion super stylist and journalist, takes us behind the scenes of the DeLeon photo shoot for their new album Casata (JDUB Records), which re-imagines ancient Sephardic melodies as indie rock.

If The Jews Are United: “Between Two Worlds” Jewish Culture Clash Documentary

Filmmakers Alan Kaufman and Deborah Snow put forth this trenchant, straightforward documentary, focusing on a number of topics, which ultimately mash on some of the hottest buttons in the ideological Jewish forum.

The Ira Glass Infatuation Post/ This American Life Review: A House Divided

If every cliche had the TAL treatment, it could be revived. Seemingly nonsequitor acts on the political, corporeal, and dysfunctional familial come together under the trope, “A house divided cannot stand.”

Jewcy Interviews: Ben Schwartz (Parks And Recreation/House Of Lies)

Ben Schwartz is excited. Whether it is playing the scene stealing Jean-Ralphio on Parks & Recreation, writing the remake of Soapdish, shooting his new Showtime series House of Lies, or simply talking about comedy, Ben Schwartz is excited.