Jews Watching TV: Community Vs. Parks & Recreation (Sorta…)

Now we enter into the debate of whether Community is the best show on television, or if Parks & Recreation is.

Shtickball: Checking in on my Fantasy Baseball Team

Let’s take a look at the booms and busts on team Shtickball so far.

Nazi Art Reprise

Austria’s expressionist darling Egon Schiele will remain at the museum in the form of Houses by the Sea, one of many pieces by the artist in the collection, after its Nazi-looted roots were confirmed and settled over in court.

The Ira Glass Infatuation Post/ This American Life Review: This Week

Bambi’s back to talk Ira Glass and This American Life! Hallelujah!

Overheard In Jew York: Uptown Train

There are a million stories in Jew York City. This is one of them.

Ben Laden Is Alive And Playing Klezmer

Ben Laden has been found! And he’s Jewish…

Coming Soon: The Big Jewcy, 2011

The Big Jewcy has officially become an annual thing! We’re gonna list 100 people you need to know about starting June 1st. After that, we’re going to party at Brooklyn Winery!

Jews Watching TV: Fey And Friends Summer Vacation Starts Early

Last night was maybe one of the weirdest 30 Rock episodes of the season.