The Big Jewcy: Rivka Galchen, Writer

  Saying that Rivka Galchen has made a huge impact on the literary world since…

The Big Jewcy: Joshua Cohen, Writer

Let’s step into a time machine, go to Jan. 1st, 2011, and look at the…

The Big Jewcy: Jared Bloom, Writer and Performer

We used to really love The Onion, then we started reading The Full Ginsburg, a…

The Big Jewcy: Akiva Gottlieb, Writer/Reporter

Whether it be reporting on arts or politics for The Nation, or book reviews for…

The Big Jewcy: Rachel Coleman AKA Pop Jew

We like everything Rachel Coleman (AKA Pop Jew) is involved in.  Be it her exploits…

The Big Jewcy: Ben Greenman, Author/New Yorker Editor

Neatly summarizing Ben Greenman’s fiction is not easy. His first collection, Superbad, included a number…

The Big Jewcy: Mike Bigel, Founder, Green Arm Management

Mike Bigel is the guy behind the guy, a manager and label executive that has…

The Big Jewcy: Noah Scalin, Design Activist

Noah Scalin is a Richmond, Virginia based artist & designer who doesn’t seem to be…