Jewcy Zeitgeist: Moose Hot Dogs, Ceasefire in Darfur and Financial Troubles Finish the Job The Alero Started

All the news that’s fit to reprint without permission. As if enough people didn’t already…

Before ‘Post-Racism,’ There Was Buckwheat

With the release of The Little Rascals: The Complete Collection DVD box set making front-page…

Oy Vez Como Va

All Jews, at some point in their lives, dream of wagging their fingers at an…

The Norway Experiment

Like everybody else, we’re just coming down off election fever and moving into the next…

Jewcy Zeitgeist: Russia Looking To Rush Next Semester, A Star Turn For the Obama Girls and Mormons Being Mormons

All the news that’s fit to reprint. President-Elect Obama has asked the old guard to…

Why Can’t Jewish Organizations Collaborate?

Marty Linsky, co-author of Leveling the Playing Field: Advancing Women in Jewish Organizational Life, is…

Chicken Soup for the Black, White and Jewish Soul

Can we talk about chicken soup? I know it’s cliche, but I just suffered the…

Jewcy Zeitgeist: MGM & YouTube Make Nice, An Extra-Value Meal For Every Chinese and the Return of the Maverick

A look at the happenings and lack thereof from all corners of the Universe. China…