Lit Klatsch: The King of Sting

Craig Glazer, author of The King Of Sting: The Amazing True Story of a Modern…

Lit Klatsch: You Never Call! You Never Write!

Joyce Antler, author of You Never Call! You Never Write! spent the past week guest-blogging…

Jewcy Zeitgeist: America on the Warpath, Gettin’ Loaded on Blow in the UK and Jobs are for Suckers, Anyway

What’s goin’ on in the world today? People fightin’, feudin’, lootin’, it’s okay. Let it…

What Makes a Jewish Mother Funny

For my last blog this week, I checked in with my comedian daughter, who travels…

Solving the Drug Problem

I have been on both sides of the drug war and I can tell you…

The Tragedy of the Smile

Tamar Yarom’s 2007 documentary To See If I’m Smiling is a fascinating, yet disturbing study…

On Weddings, Help-Wanted Ads, and “Having it All”

Last May, my eldest daughter celebrated the 10th anniversary of her college graduation. Her college…

The First Jew On the Moon

When I was incarcerated at Boron aka Watergate Camp, only a couple hours from L.A.,…