The comedian tipped a bartender about 1300% at a performance of ‘Hamilton.’
The actor and professional weird person may soon tie the knot, or maybe just sit in an elevator for 24 hours to talk about it.
The role of the ‘Star Wars’ space smuggler in his younger days may soon be in the hands of Alden Ehrenreich.
Just like God commanded! (Sorta.)
Says the star of indie hit ‘Felix and Meira’: “I never thought of myself as someone creative, I thought I was just weird.”
A Q&A with Elisa Albert, author of the new novel ‘After Birth’
“I am very Jewish in Berlin.” A sentence Gina Reimann hears often when speaking to young Israelis who’ve joined the “new exodus to the promised city of Berlin”.
What drew Agnes Kelemen, a young woman involved in Jewish life and heritage in Hungary, to switch climate zones and spend a year in Sweden?