Joan Nathan takes us into kitchens in Paris, Alsace, and the Loire Valley; she visits…

Which Big Book Will Keep You Safe?

The battle to find out which large Jewish work of fiction was the best wasn’t settled. The one that would stop a bullet was.

The Wailing Wall

The Wailing Wall w/ The Loom At Thornes Underground

Daily Jewce: Pro-Israel Journalists Having Second Thoughts, Germany On Iran, Comics Of 2011 And More

Today in news: J.J. Goldberg on pro-Israel journalists having second thoughts, Germany doing something right, comics of 2011 and much more

Daily Jewce: Kissinger Caricature, Israel Eating Disorders, The Books Of 2011, Mila Kunis Is Single And More

Today in news: revisiting a 70s caricature of Henry Kissinger that never saw the light of day, eating disorders in Israel, Facebook is worth a ton of cash and much more.

Daily Jewce: Katsav Guilty, Chabon’s “Wrecked” Novel, Camp Films And More

Today in news: former Israeli president is found guilty, rabbis who oppose organ transplants, Michael Chabon discusses his novel that never came out and more.

Daily Jewce: The Holocaust And Literature, Mossad Credit Cards, German Anti-Semitism And More

Today in news: a savior of Ethiopian Jews passes away, Mossad credit cards, literature and the Holocaust aren’t always the best mix and more.

Daily Jewce: Israel Eschews U.N., Marnie Stern In The New Yorker, Jon Stewart As Edward R. Murrow And More

Today in news: Israel to skip a U.N. summit, the man who planned to blow up the gay pride parade in Jerusalem gets 6 months community service, a guitar shredding Jewess and more