NEI Network Monthly Breakfast

Are you a Jewish professional planning programs for Jewish NextGen (20s & 30s) groups in…

Daily Jewce: Jerusalem Hosts Rally To Restore Insanity, Black Swan Score Denied, Comics, Jewish Songs And More

Today in news: There’s a lot of love in Jerusalem at a rally (not really…), the score for Black Swan gets denied an Oscar, but True Grit receives one, and much more.

Captain Beefheart’s “Dachau Blues”

Captain Beefheart wasn’t a Jew, but he was the perpetual outsider whose life and work could take a semester of college to understand and appreciate.

Daily Jewce: Lieberman Talks DADT, YouTube Shuts Down Watch Group, Zuckerberg in China And More

In today’s news: Joseph Lieberman does something right for a change, YouTube shuts down a Palestinian media watch group, Mark Zuckerberg goes on a trip and more.

Dukatalon: Israel’s Sludge Metal Masters

Some of the biggest metal scenes on the planet develop and thrive in random places like Brazil and Norway — so why not Israel?

Daily Jewce: Larry King Talks To Himself, Jewish Documentaries, The National And More

In today’s news: Fred Armisen dresses up like Larry King, good art collections, Jewish puppets tackle the tough question and much more.

Favorite Twitter Folk Of 2010

A bunch of Twitter accounts that we really liked in 2010.

The Wailing Wall

The Wailing Wall w/ The Loom, Soft Landing, Rice Preservation Society (Jonny Leather Presents)