More Proof That Jews Aren’t Cheap: Anonymous Donors Who Give $20 Million

An anonymous donor has offered $20 million to a New York City Synagogue. Can they loan us a few bucks?

Jewish Presidents And Lucky Sperm Clubs: The Eliot Spitzer Movie Broken Down

Instead of seeing Client 9, the new movie that documents the rise and fall of Eliot Spitzer, here’s a cheat sheet from the movie that documents all that.

San Francisco Trying To Put The Clamp Down On Circumcision

If passed, a new law proposed by an anti-circumcision could carry a $1,000 fine and up to a year in prison.

Daily Jewce: Israel “Risking Chaos,” Jonathan Safran Foer’s New Book, Pee-Wee Herman And More

Today in news: Israel is living on the edge, Hillary Clinton tries to get cozy with the Middle East, Jonathan Safran Foer has a new book, and Pee-Wee Herman talks to Terry Gross.

Shock Of The Day: New York Is A Good Place For Israelis

A global strategy consulting firm conducted a study on the impact of Israeli businesses and innovation on the Massachusetts economy — only to find out that New York is one of the three top markets in the U.S. for Israeli innovation.

The Wailing Wall

The Wailing Wall w/ Great Tap Root The Annex 4W 419 E Oliver St #4W…

The Wailing Wall

The Wailing Wall w/ Dinosaur Feathers, Will Stratton, Horse’s Mouth, Firefoot The Silent Barn 915…

The Wailing Wall

The Wailing Wall w/ Trevor Wilson, Will Stratton The Spotty Dog 440 Warren St. Hudson,…