Religion & Beliefs

Sex, Drugs and Idol Worship—Our Ancestors Uncovered in Fiction

The Jewish Journal has a really interesting article this week about this relatively new phenomenon…

Synagogues Are For Suckers

I have always been a shul-goer. On Shabbat I get completely thrown off if I…

Spiritual Clothing and Hiding From God

Earlier this week I went to yoga class wearing a shirt that says I Heart…

May I Offer You A Beverage or a Foot Bath?

Growing up I was part of a very social community. The families involved in the…

A Debate Sexier than Barack Obama

A while back I saw a snippet on the Forward’s website about a big porn…

Making Ketubahs Modern–Your Love Is Worth Seven Goats, A Sheep, An Ox, and an iPod

A while back Laurel wrote a couple of pieces about ketubahs, and notably about how…

Jews::Intermarriage as Babies::Bathwater

For the third week running the Shabbat lunch I attended ended up focusing on Noah…

Good News: We’re In With the Catholics!

So, I don’t know how reliable this source is, but according to The Religious Write…