Religion & Beliefs

Making Frumkeit Sexy

I spend a lot of time thinking about how one can make being Jewish look…

Michael Vick, NAACP, and Community Defense

I should come right out and say that I think Michael Vick is guilty. There’s…

Entering the Gate of Sadness

This is about what always is and what only sometimes is. This is about the…

Do Jewish Values Even Exist?

Yesterday in the comments to my post about virginity and the fifteenth of Av someone…

What’s Wrong With That Little Blue Pushke?

Any Jewish boy or girl who's ever attended Hebrew school knows about the blue Jewish…

Are You A Tu B’Av Virgin?

It’s the Jewish Valentine’s Day!

Not All Evangelicals Want Us to Fry and Israel to Bomb Iran to Kingdom Come

This is my first post as Jewcy guest blogger and allow me to say how…

SuperJews and Pagans

I’ve been heavily involved in Jewish communities pretty much since birth. I’ve always kept Shabbat…