Religion & Beliefs

Instruments are For Wusses

During the counting of the Omer we’re supposed to be in a state of mourning,…

A (Brief) Jewish Guide to Christian History (Part II)

When we left off, a loosely organized band of Jesus-loving Jews had just begun to…

A (Brief) Jewish Guide to Christian History (Part I)

I’ve begun to notice that a lot of Jews don’t really know anything about Christianity.…

Blogging the Cleanse #5: The Routinization of Fasting

Okay, so to get to the important stuff first: no, I didn't get a colonic.…

Nostalgic for Shtetl Life?

I don’t really get those people who are always waxing nostalgic about life in small…

A Rabbi Will Come to Your House and Lecture You… FREE OF CHARGE!

Okay, I can’t promise these people aren’t super-nutso-freaks… but I’ve discovered a website that offers…

“The Jew”

Maybe this will seem like an odd post, but I have to bring this up…

Blogging the Cleanse #4: Suddenly, I Feel Like Dancing

            I mean, I guess you can get used to anything.  Dukkha day is over,…