Religion & Beliefs

Pluralism: At last I’ve hit my limit!

Check out the Washington Post this week, for a really interesting story about a crazy…

Why We Changed The Headline on “Christianity Gives Me The Creeps”

Personal essays demand honesty. Nothing is more boring than a writer hedging about her life—there’s…

Calling All GLBTQ Jews!

I got an email from Cole Krawitz yesterday, alerting me to the 2007 Nehirim Retreat…

So a Nun and a Chassidic Woman Walk Into a Bar…

I don’t know why, but I’ve always had a perverse interest in nuns. In The…

He’s Too Smart to Be Religious , Pt II

On Monday I wrote about how frustrated I am with people who consider themselves too…

A Man Made of Clay

I’m re-reading Michael Chabon’s book, The Amazing Adventure’s of Kavalier and Clay (be warned this…

Automatic for the People

After I posted about charity the other day, I considered that Faithhacker aims to be…

Bringing In Shabbat By the Grave

My father used to say to my sisters that I was the sensitive one. “Like…