Religion & Beliefs

What DON’T You Believe?

Perhaps this post shouldn't be tagged "Judaism" so much as it should be tagged "faith…

What Would Your Grandmother Say if She Saw Your Facebook/MySpace Page? or Too Close for Missiles, I’m Switching to Guns

If you’re under 30, chances are you have either a facebook profile, a MySpace page,…

Shabbat Dinner: Easier Than a Drunk Paris Hilton

Last night I went to the fanciest dinner of my life. The mansion had not…

Oh, and speaking of smartypants literary stuff…

Posting about the bookish trip to Israel this morning made me think about ZEEK, a…

A Free Trip to Israel For You Smartypants Literary Types

Politics aside, it goes without saying that an incredible, personal, mind-blowing experience in Israel is…

Mikvah: Slam Dunk or Cannonball?

So maybe I’m a bad feminist, but all the problems with the Mikvah that Laurel…

Jewish Holiday Warning: Tu B’Shevat!

Here at my house, we’ve been known to lose track of Jewish holidays. Especially those…

Are you a naughty naughty Jew?

After yesterday’s post about the mikvah, I was contacted by a psychologist named Mark Guterman. …