Religion & Beliefs

Big Ben

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Jewish Scientologists? HinJews? Where do we draw the line?

The Jerusalem Post has a story today about Jewish (Israeli) Scientologists.  Which lends a whole…

Sex is holy… so get ya some

It's Shabbat, and so (since I'm commanded to get naughty tonight) I'm thinking about sex. …

Atheists are Giving Me Hell

A few days ago in the comment threads to the Harris/Prager atheism debate, David Lantos…

You Don’t Have to Be in Shul, Fool

[Note: This post is a continuation of Rabbi Andy Bachman's "Confronting Shabbat" argument.] By the…

Jake’s Thing: A Divinely-Delivered Limp

Jacob is a paradigmatic figure for our own spiritual growth. At the early stages of…

Spirituality, Jewish sweatshops, and you

It’s sometimes hard to figure out what we mean by “spirituality” when it comes to…

Would you swear… in Jesus’ name?

At the risk of bringing up Prager in a different contex, I have to point…