Religion & Beliefs

Whores of Zion?

One thing that never fails to reaffirm my sense of Jewish identity is the realization…

The Storahtelling Archives

In addition to new Storahtelling posts every Friday, here for your enjoyment are the archives…

Easy on the Eyes

Faithhacker is pleased to introduce Verse-per-Verse, a weekly drash by Storahtelling superstar Amichai Lau-Lavie. In…

The T-Shirts of the Soul

With matters of spirituality, you can't win. Religion has a tendency to start wars (like…

Pardes: Better than a Sandals Resort

While there are a lot of programs that will take you to Israel for a…

EXODUS: sexist, racist, softcore porn

I thought I’d take a minute today to mention one of the worst things that…

Can you spell C-R-A-P?

Okay, I’m not sure that this qualifies as “faith” hacking.  And I realize that in…

Defining “God”

"Talking past each other" happens when two parties in a debate use the same term…