Religion & Beliefs

Survey #3: “because I’m intermarried…I always think that… I’m some sort of fraud.”

Our third Faithhacker Survey comes to us from Jewcy reader "Sara", who describes herself like…

You need a rabbi-crush!

Wondering how to have a more interesting or meaningful Jewish life?  Take this little quiz,…

God Loves Your Fat Ass

Saw my first-ever episode of Dr. 90210 last night. And I quite literally haven’t been…

God’s publicist

Have you read this Op-Ed in the Times? This guy cites two reasons for the…

Harris/Prager atheism smackdown in progress!

Our Sam Harris / Dennis Prager atheism dialogue is attracting an unholy avalanche of attention…

What makes you uncomfortable?

What makes you feel a little creepy? What makes you uncomfortable?  I, for one, find…

Those big pre-Chanukah sales

With the digestion of yesterday's holiday turkey and the consumption of this morning's leftover pumpkin…

Jews on the Mayflower

Happy Thanksgiving from Faithhacker! I hope you’re either reading this in a turkey coma, or…