Religion & Beliefs

The Big Jewcy: Esther K. – Jewish Engagement Superstar

Her job title is Program Coordinator, NextGen Engagement Initiative at Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles, but what Esther K. does goes beyond that. She’s the bridge between more traditional organizations and the innovative startups that are helping redefine the Jewish world for years to come.

The Big Jewcy: Lea Zeltserman – Blogging The Soviet Jewish Experience

Lea Zeltserman is one personality of note “blogging the Iron Curtain.” Her project, Soviet & Jewish is complete with interviews of Canadian immigrants part of the 1967-81 wave with an eye for the experience of the “regular folk.”

The Big Jewcy: Rabbi Brent Spodek – The Hudson Valley Rabbi

If you find yourself sick of Jewish life in the big cities, consider moving to the Hudson Valley.

The Big Jewcy: 2011

Ladies and gentlemen: The Big Jewcy class of 2011.

The Big Jewcy: Adam Soclof, Archive Blogger

Making videos with nearly 100,000 views, finding esoteric news, helping the Jewish community: Adam Soclof does it all.

The Weekly Shonde: The National Society For Hebrew Day Schools Massive Fail For Abuse Victims

Apparently, a child being sexually abused should be a matter for rabbinical discussion, and not necessarily for the courts to decide.

Dudes Shaving Dudes: Closing Thoughts On The Omerathon

After 33 days of counting the Omer, we celebrated with a bonfire, music, and hair removal!

Becoming Jewish: The Conversion Conundrum

Modern Orthodox or Conservative? Which is right for me?