Religion & Beliefs
Come celebrate raising a bunch of money for a great charity, and the shaving of beards!
A Jewish girl moves to the South. Cue the awkward hilarity.
So if Harold Camping is right, this weekend the rapture is coming. We’ve got a few tips to making the most out of being left behind.
The NYT tells us that if you’re a Reform Jew, you are in good financial company. If you’re Orthodox, you don’t exist.
South Korea is giving Yeshivas a run for their gelt with their Talmudic studies.
The Hasidic newspaper Der Tzeitung apologized for their decision to crop Secretary of State Hillary Clinton out of the now famous White House photograp
Leave it to Stephen Colbert to make the most sense of something incredibly stupid. Can we just make him an honorary Jew at this point?
This is just an observation, but when I think “immodest,” the last absolute person who comes to mind is the normally pantsuit-clad Madam Secretary of State.