Sex & Love

The Shomer Chronicles: Talking Honestly About Shomer Negiah

A forum for young observant Jews who adhere to the practice of not touching the opposite sex

Jewcy Power Couple: Scooter Braun and Fuck Cancer’s Yael Cohen

Justin Bieber’s manager makes yet another high-profile connection

Amy Schumer Knows How Hard it is to Look Good While Sexting

The Jewish comedian’s raunchy new show, ‘Inside Amy Schumer,’ offers a look at e-flirting

Hey Frat Guys, Here’s How Not to Talk to Jewish Girls

A lesson in collegiate douchery

Kosher Salt: Introducing My Non-Jewish Fiancé

Tackling the negative responses I’ve gotten from Jewish friends was more difficult than I expected

What Yom Kippur and Valentine’s Day Have in Common

Both Jewish holidays encourage us to reconsider our food intake and atone for the year’s mistakes