Sex & Love

My Big Ol’ Jewish Wedding: What’s In A (Last) Name?

If we end up bucking tradition, then so be it.

The Monday Mazel: The Financiers Wed

Now that we’re through the high holiday, we await the landslide of Jewish weddings.

The Monday Mazel: Mama’s Boys

Some Jews got married after they were finished fasting.

Monday Mazel: Jew Blue Weddings With The Best Analytics

This week we take a look at some Jewish weddings that could have easily gone down on Skype as Google, Twitter, and the web at large celebrate the union of some of their own.

The Monday Mazel: Jews And Carnies

The attraction of the Jew to the performing artist is probably the most natural thing in the world. Both traditions cheering good boys and girls to cultivate individual talents to benefit the tribe, it’s the talent that they’re attracted to when they finally hook up

The Monday Mazel: A Rabbi And A Reverend Walk Into A Bar (Mitzvah)

Give it a dozen or so years, and these lovebirds will be making a yenta somewhere proud at Baby’s bar/ bat mitzvah. Hopefully the reverend is invited to that joyous occasion, too.

FaceGlat: Keeping “The Book” In Facebook

Introducing FaceGlat, a kosher rendition of Facebook that keeps the ladies and gents separate before you can “like” a thing.

Will A Nice Jewish Guy PLEASE Marry Monica Lewinsky?

She’s smart, she’s pretty, and she’s got a master’s degree from the London School of Economics — what more could you ask in a nice Jewish girl?