Sex & Love

Monday Mazel: Now We’re Feeling Bad About Ourselves…

This week’s Simcha section was jam-packed with people who do so much good that it only serves to make each and every one of us feel bad about ourselves.

My Big Ol’ Jewish Wedding: Keep Your Shalom Out Of My Home

My future wife and I have both discussed the religious aspect of our upcoming union, and while we both have a deep respect for many Jewish traditions, we think it’s fair that the ones which fit inside our comfort zone will be the ones we let into our home.

FFJD: The One Night (Bed)Stand.

Dear FFJD, Recently, I’ve come across a bit of a dilemma on first dates. Since when have guys started to expect sex on the first date??

Would Etsy Blog About My Shtetl Themed Wedding?

We can throw a wedding that totally exploits the poverty of our own ancestors!

The Monday Mazel: Where Are The Jews?

After gushing over the large amount of same sex nuptials in the Simchas Section this past weekend, I scoured the New York Times for what seemed like the smallest amount of Jewish weddings listed in ages

Monday Mazel: The Same-Sex Simchas Edition!

Mazal Tov to all the same-sex couples who were able to (finally!) wed in the city of New York this past weekend. Our only regret is that we weren’t able to make it to each and every one of your ceremonies to join you in a celebratory hora.

FFJD: Crystal Light Vodka And Other Thoughts On Monday Drinking

Oh, it’s Monday! Which means that the topic should definitely be alcohol, because frankly, it hasn’t left your system yet

Monday Mazel: Doctors, Lawyers And Financiers…Oh My

Even though this week’s NYT wedding section kept it kinda straight, there were the occasional curveballs we assume were thrown into the mix to keep things interesting and to avoid Times’ readers thinking we are walking right into common Jewish stereotypes.