It’s Tuesday! Did you watch Millionaire Matchmaker last night?
Weird non-relationship relationships? Is this a Seinfeld episode or something?
Dear FFJD, Recently, I’ve come across a bit of a dilemma on first dates. Since when have guys started to expect sex on the first date??
Oh, it’s Monday! Which means that the topic should definitely be alcohol, because frankly, it hasn’t left your system yet
Today’s issue at hand is one I’ve been wanting to cover for a long, long while. Something that happens often in relationships, dating, hookups, and that is issues in mental health.
Let’s read on about her horrible choices in men, but wonderful tastes in friends.
This is less an exercise in realizing that an 80′s heartthrob had the movie potential to be a flasher in Central Park, and more about well….saying what you really mean.
Dumping, breaking up, blowouts, crying, barfing, chocolate – it’s all hard. Except for the chocolate part. But really, let’s discuss breaking up for a second.